Monday, 23 November 2009

Ben Folds Presents: University A Cappella, Why You Should Love Classical Music, and #5 in our TOP 20 ALBUMS of 2009

Good evening music lovers!

If you ever needed any more proof that Ben Folds is a complete musical genius, check out the new album, Ben Folds Presents: University A Cappella.

Ben Folds – Ben Folds Presents: University A Cappella!
Ben Folds – Ben Folds Presents: University A Cappella!

It has been a long time since I have wanted to OWN an album sooooooooo much! To me, it's almost as if this album should always have existed - Ben Folds (and Ben Folds Five tracks too) sung a cappella, as if they were sent from heaven!!!

To get as major a kick out of this, it would be useful for you to be a Ben Folds fan and know some of the songs they're representing here. However, as an art form, this album is as about as clever as it gets! Recycled songs, sung without instruments, the voice doing all of the work (and making it look so easy). There are a lot of different Universities on here, including some jazz singers (on Selfless, Cold and Composed - Ben Folds – Selfless, Cold and Composed - University A Cappella Version).

I can't quite envision myself listening to much else this week - I will listen to this again and again, especially when it is on my iPod. I'm only halfway through it, and I'm in love!?! The version of Still Fighting It will make it into my new TOP 100, without a doubt:

Ben Folds – Still Fighting It - University A Cappella Version

What a beginning - just magical!!! Oooo, I have goosebumps! But, isn't this what makes music so wonderful sometimes - finding a new album (even if it is new versions of past songs), that just makes you feel special!

...and purchased!!!! Cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NB: still listening as I write below - check


I'd like to feature at least 5 reasons this week why YOU, the reader, should love classical music:


I don't know enough about classical music to say that much of the music you listen to everyday wouldn't be around without Beethovan, Mozart and Bach. This is possibly true.

Classical music is a lot more accessible for the part-time, armchair listener now, with a lot of radio stations (radio 3 and classic fm, being the major examples) devoted to the music. I think a lot of people are still a little afraid of being perceived as fuddy-duddy if they listen to a lot of classical music in their 20's and 30's (I'm 33, before anyone asks).

I'm going to keep my reasons pretty simple - #1 is that classical music can be extremely relaxing! An obvious point, you might say, as I know there are a lot of double, triple (and more) CDs out there, such as:

Various Artists – Relaxing Cinema Classics
Various Artists – Relaxing Classics
Various Artists – Relaxing Classics (Vol. 1)
Mason Jar Ice Tea Drinkers – Relaxing To The Classics

But, it is worth trying to chill out to some classical music as well as the trance/chillout stuff that the last 10+ years has spawned. Composers have clearly been trying to calm us down for some time!?


TOP 20 albums of 2009

Metric - Fantasies

I read one review which said this was like The Killers with a female vocalist - I think this summed it up enough! Crack it open, and enjoy!

Take care, and all the very best, Menace2Music
Menace2Music collab playlist - check it out @ Menace2Music

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