Wednesday, 10 March 2010

5 albums I would LOVE to listen to for the 1st time....again!?

The idea for today's post came to me as I was listening to Sleep To Dream by Fiona Apple. I was blown away by her debut album "Tidal" - not only was this a female vocalist who wasn't afraid of who she offended, her blend of vibrant piano playing and passionate vocals was a joy to behold. I was hooked from the beginning, and "Tidal" (although by no means the greatest album I own - it might just feature in my top 100) is an album I would love to listen to again for the first time!

Here are another four:

2. Stephen Fretwell - "Magpie"
When I listen to this album, it's like I'm being given a hug! Clever, poignant lyrics, so clever musically - a wonderful mixture of acoustic guitar, drums, piano (ooo, running theme) and voices.
Track to hit: Run

3. Radiohead - "The Bends"
Purchased on the back of a piece on TV about their nomination for the Mercury Music Prize (I had not really heard of Radiohead by this point), I bought a copy of "The Bends". Is it over the top to suggest this was the equivalent of my father's Sgt. Pepper moment all of those years ago. Music, for me, was never going to be the same...
Track to hit: start at the beginning, and ride to the end

4. The Beatles - "Abbey Road"
I have to include this album in such a list as this! Why? This is, quite simply, my favourite album of all time EVER! Did it take the demise of one of the greatest bands of all time to create their final masterpiece? Side B of this album is just the cleverest arrangement of music there is on the planet (is it too weird that I'm welling-up just writing this - well, I am a Pisces, and it's my birthday today!!!?)

5. Dodgy "Free Peace Sweet"
I awaited this album so eagerly, and Dodgy did not disappoint. This was a band having fun, writing great songs! I saw them live, bought the t-shirt - this album was probably played more than any other at Uni! I wish I could turn back time, slide this into a cassette deck and play this again for the first time! Would I love it more? Probably not, but that's not the point!!!

I was going to do this about 10 albums - might do another 5 next week, maybe...

May a little music in your day guide the seconds, minutes and hours with harmony!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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