Monday, 8 March 2010

What's running around in my head?! Musically....

Evening everyone - hope you're all well!

I've got lots of music stuff swirling around in my head (and not only those songs you hear in your head - yes, worryingly, those hang around every so often...this morning's was definitely a Duran Duran track for no particular reason), so in haste let me chuck a couple of them down here...:

* it's my birthday on Wednesday and I have no idea which CDs I'm going to get, or I want?!
THIS is very unlike me! Maybe it's because I started a new job this week, and new music has (oh, this is paining me to write it' let alone think it?!) been shelved somewhere at the back if my head... Blurgh, this sucks!

* we have to come up with a remedy to this particular "blurgh" - could this be Spotify Premium???
Still very much up in the air for me, but a definite possibility for purchase later this week. How about positives and negatives:

• let's be honest - Spotify is cool, so Premium will be even cooler
• freedom to listen to tonnes of stuff on the iPhone
• the current "blurgh problem" disappears for a bit...

Oh, I'm not sure, I'm so indecisive?!
• currently commuting to Londinium, and from what I can see, Spotify will be crap on the train - it'll keep cutting out as the 3g is sporadic
• I'm not that fussed about the ads
• with the job, and a new baby, I don't get as much time on the computer with the ol' Spotify as I would normally crave...

So, it's a quandary!!!?

* should I STOP shuffling ALL the DAMN time!?
I've been thinking about putting some playlists together, plus working on a new top 100 tracks - I know all of this takes time, but I'm keen!
I think the playlist idea (I would then post them on Spotify as collaborative playlists) is a fun one...ideas???

> music to cheer you up
> tracks by artists that might surprise you
> in your head to stay, but for good reason (haha, as I write this, "Wild Boys" started playing - thank you shuffle?!)
> music if you're just too damn happy (Mmmm, I like this one - bring people down a peg or two)

But it's a serious question about shuffling - I've got to stop, and get some solid album/playlist time in!!!

* lastly, I think I might have found one of thx coolest cafes on the planet - bagels, music, Walls covered in CDs, music magazines to read... And, all of this....25 paces from my new office!!!! Yes yes yes!!! Brill Cafe in Clerkenwell!

Right, as Eva Cassidy sings about valuable pastures, I'll sign off! If anyone has any thoughts on the above, you'll find me on Twitter (Menace2Music) most mornings and evenings!

Menace2Music signing off - listen to a track today that reminds you of someone, that will make you smile...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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